
CDA Certificate Course Curriculum

In Penn Foster's CDA Certificate course curriculum, you'll cover lessons that will help you fulfill the educational component and build a professional portfolio — which are some of the key items necessary to begin your application to the Council for your Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. You will prepare portfolio items, participate in live webinars, and complete course assignments specific to CDA requirements. All instructors in our program are Professional Development Specialists as approved by the CDA Council. Additionally, the CDA Competency Standards book is included in your program and will align with the setting that you choose.

CDA Credential Prep

Undergrad. Cert.

8 months

As low as $59/mo

1-800-471-3232 (10AM - 6:30PM ET)

CDA Certificate Course Curriculum

  • 13 credits

Estimated completion time:

  • Fast track = 8 months
  • Average time = 14 months

With Penn Foster, you can learn at whatever pace works best for you. Some learners will be more comfortable moving faster, and dedicating more time, and the fast track estimate will apply to them. The average track will apply to most learners who can dedicate a few hours per week to completing their coursework. The estimated completion times per semester are based on completion times for learners enrolled in this program from November 2020 - October 2021, excluding withdrawals.

Setting 1: Infant/Toddler

Setting 2: Preschool

Setting 3: Family Child Care

Note: We reserve the right to change program content and materials when it becomes necessary.

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We're here to help.  Call 1-800-471-3232 (10AM - 6:30PM ET)

Full Program Overview