Program Goals and Outcomes

Criminal Justice Associate Degree Goals and Outcomes

The Criminal Justice Associate Degree can prepare students for a variety of jobs in law and law enforcement. Graduates could qualify for entry-level careers in police departments, law firms, and more. Additionally, credits earned in the associate degree could transfer to the online Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice should you choose to further your education.

Criminal Justice

Associate Degree

4 months per semester

As low as $75/mo

1-800-471-3232 (9AM - 9PM ET)

Program Goal

To prepare students for professional opportunities in the criminal justice field and for a wide array of entry-level positions in criminal justice, or to prepare for further training.

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to...

  • Demonstrate effective written and interpersonal communication skills
  • Demonstrate a high level of inquiry, analytical, and problem-solving skills
  • Demonstrate effective quantitative skills
  • Demonstrate computer and information literacy
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences
  • Discuss the legal system in the United States, including the origins and history of the law, the development of common law, statutory law, constitutional law and how this affects the criminal justice system
  • Analyze the substantive and procedural operations of the criminal justice system with focus on the prosecutorial, judicial, and defense functions
  • Evaluate issues of justice, professionalism and ethics within law enforcement, the courts, and the private sector security industry
  • Examine the external and internal factors that control the dynamics of law enforcement from the police, prosecution, and defense perspectives as they apply to ethical, moral, and legal applications
  • Discuss the origins and development of the law of search and seizure on the federal and state levels, the ethical and legal issues surrounding the exclusionary rule as it impacts the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and the workings of an adversarial system of justice
  • Discuss the principles of criminal responsibility and the requirement of culpable mental states, the various defenses used to negate or to mitigate criminal liability, victims' interaction with the criminal justice system, and the prevailing theories and philosophies for criminal punishment including restitution, retribution, rehabilitation.
  • Discuss and compare recognized biological, psychological, and sociological theories about the causes of criminal behavior and the types of criminal behavior and methods for predicting future crime.
  • Analyze the management and organizational components in the modern police organization and the various methods and theories of policing, including reactive, proactive, problem-solving, community policing.

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We're here to help. Call 1-800-471-3232 (9AM - 9PM ET)

Full Program Overview